Stuk BVUK/MEM/1/1/16 - St Dunstan's Review No 14

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St Dunstan's Review No 14


  • 1917-09-01 (creation)



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Editorial Notes P. 3...Includes profit made on sale of The Review

Notes by the Chief P.3 Several examples of the inspirational attitude of Sir Arthur.Eg 'St Dunstan's is not an Institution for the Blind at all, but a place for the re-entry into every day life of normal people who cannot see _ quite a different thing.'

St Dunstan's Gossip P.5 Bungalow Annexe opened in July 1917. Mentions made of Sgt Major Cope, Albert Edward Eden, Sgt Curtis -Willson,Mr Murray Atkins, Capt. William Appleby, Seargent Eames, Arthur Brown, Albert Woollen, William Davies, Coropral G.F. Jones, Walter Leonard, John McNab, Jack Arneil, George Price, Sub-Lieut. Gyles, Fresh Air Fund, Robert Boyter, Sgt. Horseley , Sgt Pearson.

Workshop Gossip P. 9 Mat repairing doing well.

Entertainment Notes ..P.9 Description of concert July 4th, American themed by the St Dunstan's Rag time Band. The USA had just joined the Allies. Other concerts mentioned.

The Suggestion Box P.11... suggestions about a canteen, how to improve the organisation of debates, training piano tuners, female uniforms.

Our Fancy Dress Dance ... P. 12 a report from the Daily Express

Poultry Notes P. 12 Exams had been held and results given. Details of the training and facilities, including detail of the poultry housing, gifts of pure bred birds. Proposal to produce a monthly poultry news just for those concerned.

My Fruit and Poultry Farm P. 14 Essay by Capt. William Owen on running his poultry farm for a year.

July Debates P. 16 Detailed description of views on these topics: 'As the loss of infant life is proved to be so great, should the State take control of the children?' and Regarding the guiding rails etc at St Dunstan's 'Were there too many or too few? ' Next topic will be 'Should the blind be specially represented in Parliament?'

Boating Gossip P. 17 Gift of 12 pairs of sculls. Lots of descriptions of races in preparation for the Regatta.

The Putney Regatta .P. 19 St Dunstan's won all the events! The crews dined with Sir Arthur at the Trocadero in the evening.

Department Reports
Braille Room Notes P. 19 Lists of those passing tests.
Typewriting Notes P. 20 Test results.
Netting Notes P. 20 Description of growth ion netting...landing nets, tennis nets, fruit nets, dolls' hammocks.
Chapel Notes P.21
Catholic Chapel Notes P 21 translating latin and English hymns into Braille.
After-Care P. 21 those mentioned are Arthur Lenderyou, L.Johnson, GT Pinner, W.J. Bowyers, W.Purchase, F.Foster, W.Whiteside, J.Berry, Seal, Horsnell, Lingard, Letch, J.R Brown, Street, Whiteside.

The Holiday Concert P. 23 Jolly detailed description of the 23rd July concert.

News from the Old Boys P. 24 'Jacky Back', Orrell, Lawlor, A.Vaughan, Corporal Tarry, Arthur Brown, Neil McDonald, Arnold.

Another Blind Belgain Decorated P.25 Camille Verbrugghe

"Life" in My Office .P. 25 Amusing description by Sister Whatley
Brighton on the Shingle P. 27 poem
An Odd Ditty .P. 27 Poem
My Friend .P. 27 Poem

Another Deaf and Dumb Story P. 28 John Brown.
The Only Way P. 28 D. Matheson Maclean
Newcomers in July P.29 List of new members
Old Boys' Addresses P.30



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